Friday, February 13, 2015

Anna-Kate: Book Boyfriends

In the spirit of Gal-entine's Day (and Valentine's Day tomorrow), my co-blogger Anna-Kate will be sharing some of her book boyfriends! I am so excited that she wrote this post for the blog, and I hope it gets you all in the mood for Valentine's Day!

I apologize for taking so long to put this up. For those of you that do not know, I am currently running a giveaway on the 14 Days of Fictional Swooning Blog Hop, and for my personal giveaway, one of the giveaway options is for writing down the "special words" for my post on February 8th. Those "special words" will now be coming from this post, and they are bold and pink! If you find these words, head on over to the blog hop post and enter the giveaway for two extra entries!

I hope you enjoy Anna-Kate's post!

Falling in love is too easy in books. The grand gestures, the proclamations of love, the crooked smiles, all things that make girls look at boys in their school and think “Why don't I have my flawless boyfriend?”. I have always been a bit notorious about boys in books, it started with Harry Potter (I wrote stories about us getting married) and Edward Cullen (I purchased a fake diamond ring and acted our wedding out), but over my somewhat illustrious venture through YA lit, I have come across many many boys that make me sad to know that I can never meet them. And through all of this, two boys have entered my life that are mine and mine alone.

The first is one of the most popular males in literature today. He’s mysterious. He’s gorgeous. He’s got the somewhat tragic backstory that only makes him more appealing. He is Tobias “Four” Eaton. Four is the star of the Divergent series by Veronica Roth and also countless teen girl’s imaginations. The dystopian series that is all the rage takes you into a dystopian universe where people are sorted into factions based on personality traits He is written with perfect amount of brutal intensity and also sensitivity that makes my heart may also help that he is played by Theo James. Now I am usually not a type for the so called “bad boys” that are ever present in today’s books, but the way Four can be tough and also be so sweet and concerned with his girlfriend drives me crazy (in the very best way). I would actually join dauntless just to stare into his eyes at the bottom of the net. I would be first jumper if he would catch me. He is my first choice every time for fictional boy I would most like to kiss and simultaneously boy I trust my life with.

My second fictional husband I posses is from a series rapidly becoming more and more popular: Chaol from the Throne of Glass series. In the kingdom where magic is banned, magically explosive chemistry is not because good god, this boy is the world and the stars. Chaol is the guard assigned to Celaena, the greatest assassin in the kingdom who is fighting in a competition against other people trained to kill. While she strategizes on her next move, she gets to live her days in the luxury of the palace surrounded by the crown prince and also her very own beautiful guard. Since both boys were introduced, I knew I preferred Chaol. Something about how sweet and unapologetic he was made me like him so much more than Dorian who to me came across as entitled and unromantic. Chaol also made me incredibly emotional. I kid you not, I cried every single time he said anything sweet/romantic. He could make my heart swoon with one line, every time I thought that I could not love him more he proved me wrong. Chaol is a boy who sweeps you away and lets you know that princes are not always better. Celaena, you can have the prince as long as you leave your guard for me.

Comment Below: Who would your book boyfriends be?