Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire
Publish Date: January 5th 2016
Page Amount: 292 pages
Price: $17.99 Hardback
ISBN: 149262246X (ISBN13: 9781492622468)
Because of the nature of the discussion taking place in this book, I don't necessarily find it appropriate to answer some of the questions that I answered in the last Waiting on Wednesday post that I made. However, I will answer one question.
Why am I waiting to read this one?
Princessicaofbooks said it best: "we need to read what we are afraid of." We need to continue to have difficult conversations through literature, because, most of the time, through literature is the only place where these conversations can take place.
Since the several school shootings in the United States and around the world in the past few years, aside from my parents (and some close family), I have never had a conversation about what to do in a shooting if it happens. My school never truly discussed what happens in these shootings. While we did have several "drills", no one of my classes ever truly had a discussion that I can remember about them. We had a moment of silence during the announcements in the morning, and then we never talked about it again.
I do have to mention that one of my amazing teachers two years ago did try to have a small discussion with us during a drill, and I have to give my heart to her because she really was adamant about making sure we were all safe in school and wanted to make sure that we felt that way.
I do have to mention that one of my amazing teachers two years ago did try to have a small discussion with us during a drill, and I have to give my heart to her because she really was adamant about making sure we were all safe in school and wanted to make sure that we felt that way.
I need to read about it, because I am afraid of it. I want to figure out why. Because, there is no right reason why a teenage girl should have to fear going to class all day because a school shooting could happen in her school. I need to know why I am afraid.
I am intrigued about this book, but again, like Princessicaofbooks mentions: "I’m scared to read this, but that may be a reason why I need to."
One of my blogging buddies over on Twitter: TeenLibrarianToolbox (@TLT16) was having a teen book club discussion about this book, and I found her tweets really interesting. One of the teens participating in the chat says that it is propaganda for gun control and doesn't show the other side of the story, while other teens call the book powerful and moving.
I also remember seeing one of my other blogging buddies (But I cannot for the love of me remember who it was!) tweet her reactions to the book. Her discussion and tweets about the book intrigued me and also let me know that I was in for a very emotional read.
Melanie says it's "propaganda for gun control & doesn't show the other side how guns can save u" #thisiswhereitends
— TeenLibrarianToolbox (@TLT16) November 13, 2015
The Teen says it was "beautiful and powerful" #thisiswhereitends
— TeenLibrarianToolbox (@TLT16) November 13, 2015
This teen discussion definitely perked my interest in this controversial story, especially because of the opposing viewpoints coming from readers my age. I knew that I was welcome in the discussion for this book (as I am a Young Adult) and this discussion encouraged me to take a closer look at this book.I also remember seeing one of my other blogging buddies (But I cannot for the love of me remember who it was!) tweet her reactions to the book. Her discussion and tweets about the book intrigued me and also let me know that I was in for a very emotional read.
I know it is going to be a book that makes me cry lots of sad tears, but I'm hoping that I will find the read to be as powerful as other readers have found it so far.
Read This is Where it Ends on January 5th 2016!
What do you think about my Waiting on Wednesday pick? Comment down below or tweet me @iamabookjunkie!