
Blog Tours


We want to put our own spin on the traditional tours. For the FROM NOOK TO READING NOOK tours, we would love to involve the authors in every way possible. We would love to have authors for interviews, guest posts, and any other content. We want to offer both bloggers and authors a chance to create unique content & market the book in brand new ways.

If you are an author/publisher, it would be amazing if you could provide review copies of your book for all of our reviewers. However, we understand that in some circumstances, this is not possible. Let us know if this is possible when you contact us to set up a tour! 

If you are interested in having us set up a tour, please email us at 


For now, we are kicking off our FROM NOOK TO READING NOOK tours. Some of the bloggers may be familiar with this as an ARC TOUR or a mailing tour. One book is sent from blogger to blogger to review or create their own features on. Bloggers are responsible for sending the book to the next person, and for this reason, it would be US only, unless you are international and would be willing to pay shipping both ways.

However, we understand that some of you are interested in posting other original content & that some of you may have already read the book that is going on tour. For this reason, we are going to do our best to give all of you an opportunity to post other content, whether it is an interview with the author or a mood board that you created yourself. Each tour will have additional details. 

Are you interested in being a tour host? Please fill out the form below with your email. If you sign up to be a tour host, we will email you with our upcoming tours along with a form to sign up for them. If at any time, you want to be removed from the list, please email and let us know. (If you have a spam filter, please remove that email from the spam filter so that you can get notifications of our awesome tours!) 

We will email you a confirmation once you sign up so that you know your responses went through! We are excited to work with you in the future! :)

Please go to the CURRENT/UPCOMING TOURS page to see what tours are coming up!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, I'm so excited for these tours! I already signed up for the TPSHITO tour, and I'm thrilled to be a part of this!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on our blog posts! I will always try and get back to each and every single one of your comments! Please feel free to leave suggestions for new books to review, as well as comments on the individual reviews themselves. Again, thank you so much for stopping by!