
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

My Favorite TV Shows! | Top Ten Tuesday

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is TOP TEN TV SHOWS or a variation on that theme, because of Fall TV shows. For this week, I thought I would share some of my favorite TV shows with you. I blog an awful lot about books and I figured that this would give you a better opportunity to get to know me!

Here we go!

I mean, honestly, how can you go wrong? This TV show is a MUST for pretty much everyone. My friend introduced me to this show all the way back when we first met, and it has been a wild ride ever since! I fell in love with Lorelai and Rory the second I saw them on the screen. I love the dynamic that they have, I love that Rory loves books, and I love that Lorelai is determined and will do absolutely anything she can to get what she wants and/or needs.

I haven't even mentioned half of the other characters! Luke is one of my favorites -- he owns his own diner and coffee shop, which I want to do when I'm a little older too -- though each and every single character has their own little quirks and unique personality!

I'm telling you, Stars Hollow is where I want to live! I'ts a perfect, quaint and cute little town. Everyone knows each other, which, yes, can cause some drama, but also, there is an extreme sense of family and everyone looks out for one another.

 I haven't finished the show yet (I'm only on Season 4!) but I definitely plan to binge-watch the rest before the "continuation" of the series comes out on Netflix in November!

I am a bit of a medical nerd, and I'm not ashamed to admit it, partially because of this show. Pretty much everyone who I talk to has seen this show at least once, and it's for a good reason.

Now, due to some medical issues of my own, it would be extremely difficult for me personally to be a surgeon or to practice within the medical field (at least in the way that I want to). The good thing for me, is that I get to see a "behind-the-scenes" look at a Level One Trauma Center hospital, thanks to intern Meredith Grey.

Don't get me wrong, this show has tons of elements that don't relate to medicine/surgery, but I do have to say that seeing "life in a hospital" is one of my favorite things about the show. Plus, as I mentioned with Gilmore Girls, Grey's Anatomy also makes sure that every main character (yes, there are several) has their own unique personalities, quirks and drama to deal with on their own.

This series is a long one, I think it just was renewed for season 13, so if you want to watch this one, I suggest trying to use Netflix to get caught up. I used to watch a few episodes here and there with my mother, and I ended up being spoiled on some of the biggest reveals. You definitely want to start from the beginning!

Private Practice is a spin-off of Grey's Anatomy. It follows ONE of the main Grey's Anatomy characters -- though I can't say who -- on their journey to another medical practice.

I started to watch this series because I love this character, and I wanted to see what their life would look like and how it would change once they move to another medical practice. As expected, there is still a ton of drama, scandal, and even a little bit of romance to keep you on the edge of your seat.

There is an extra bonus if you watch this show -- if you watch the corresponding Grey's Anatomy episodes too, there are some tie-ins to each show. Here's what I mean by that. Drama/A Medical Case/etc. is introduced on Private Practice, and then followed on Grey's Anatomy, or the other way around. It might only be for an episode or two, but I still think that is an extremely cool element and adds depth to the story in itself.

I can't remember how I discovered this show -- maybe it was through a Netflix session -- but I remember how this show was basically insta-love for me (in a good way, I promise).

The first episode of the series introduces you to a girl named Callie, who finds herself released from Juvie and in need of a place to stay for a few weeks until a foster family situation can be sorted out.

Introducing....the Foster's! Or, most specifically, the Adams Foster's. They agree to take in Callie for the time being, but things spiral out of hand as secrets are kept, escapes are made, and people are rescued, and this is only in the first few episodes! Trust me, you definitely want to see how all of this drama starts, and how everything unfolds.

(Added Bonus: I tweeted how much I loved this TV show one day, and the official account for the TV show actually retweeted me! How cool is that?!)

The early seasons!

Once Upon A Time is an extremely unique show. I don't want to say too much because I don't want to give any of the plot points away, but I will say this. Fairytales, mischief, and other dimensions/realms are a wonderful combination for a great TV show.

When I was younger, I actually wrote a story that was kind of like the premise of the show: a bunch of fairytale characters living together in the same world and getting into a bunch of shenanigans together. While this is only the very basics of Once Upon A Time, imagine my delight when I saw my dreams coming true on the screen in front of me!

Aside from the actual plot of the show, I absolutely love the characters and the acting. I instantly connected with Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas' characters. They are some of the most kind-hearted characters in the show, often sacrificing pieces of themselves to save other people or to make sure that other people are happy.

Plus, tell me that you don't want to live in their cute little apartment?!

Now, as I'm typing this, you should know that I stopped watching this show I think in the third season. I'm probably missing out on a lot, and I definitely do want to continue watching and get back into it, but I definitely think that the first season is the best season. Do yourself a favor and watch that for me, okay? :)

That's it for this week! Tell me in the comments below: What is your favorite TV show? What about your favorite TV show to watch in the fall? Was there a show that was cancelled that you still love?

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