
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Ten Books That Have Been On My TBR From Before I Started Blogging That I STILL Haven't Read Yet | Top Ten Tuesday

For this week's Top Ten Tuesday, it's all about books that we meant to read in our pre-blogging era. Granted, that was two years ago (I would have been 15) and I still haven't really purged the books I don't want to read anymore from my shelves . However, the books on THIS list are books that I have FULL INTENTIONS of reading -- I just haven't gotten to them yet.

Maybe you could help me by suggesting a few to read from this list, or linking me to your own TBR so I can get some more ideas :)

Without further adieu, here are some of the books I mean to read in the near future. :)

I know..I know...this book has been out for an extremely long time. It's strange because I absolutely loved the series, but for some reason I just couldn't get through the last book. Thanks to the giveaway I won from Katie's Book Blog, I now have the entire Percy Jackson series, and I'm slowly working my way through them. I'm on the third book now, and I'm actually enjoying my re-read!

THE PROGRAM by Suzanne Young

Okay, I really want to read this one! It has still been on my TBR, I just can't find a copy of it! I don't order books online, unless it is for a pre-order, and that's probably one of the only reasons I haven't read this book yet. The bookstore that I love to go to always has the other books in the series, but never the first one! I guess I'll just have to play the waiting game. 

CODE NAME VERITY by Elizabeth Wein

A friend of mine recommended this book to me, and we both have very similar taste in books. I love historical fiction, and this one seemed right up my alley. I don't know -- I guess as soon as I started blogging (which was around when I heard about this book) I was swept up into reading books that were a little bit different. I guess this one just fell behind the other books that I was reading, though I do intend to read it someday. 

SHADOW AND BONE by Leigh Bardugo

Even now, everyone LOVES this book. I didn't add this book to my TBR before I started blogging, but it was pretty soon after, so I think this counts. I still haven't read this book. I have it, it's signed to me, and I met Leigh, but still, I haven't read it. To be honest, I'm still not entirely sure what it's about, and I think that scares me just a little bit. 

THE RAVEN BOYS by Maggie Steifvater

I won a copy of the first book through my school's summer reading program, and I meant to read it that summer. I didn't. I met Maggie this year at one of her tour events for THE RAVEN KING (Maggie, by the way, is absolutely amazing and I loved every minute of her tour). I even put this book at the tip top of my TBR this summer, and yet, I still haven't read it. I'm going on vacation soon, so maybe this will be a nice book to read over the drive. 

That's it for this week's Top Ten Tuesday! Do you want to help me out and leave a book recommendation below? What did you enjoy about each of these books? (no spoilers please!) Do you have a book that you still haven't read after years of it being on your TBR? Let me know in the comments below! 

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