
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Just Kill Me by Adam Selzer Mood Board | Blog Tour & Giveaway!

Today, I'm partnering with Irish Banana Blog Tours and Adam Selzer to bring you a mood board inspired by Adam's book, JUST KILL ME! Be sure to keep reading for some information about the book and the author, to see my mood board & to enter the AMAZING giveaway that Irish Banana Tours put together for all of you! :) 
I'm still in the process of finishing this book, but from what I've read so far, I absolutely love it. JUST KILL ME follows a girl named Megan, who applies for a job at a ghost tour company. That doesn't seem so bad, right? To Megan, it's not. But if her mother doesn't approve, it's game over. After all, it would decrease the reputation of Megan's family. What does it say when your family owns a funeral home, but you work in a ghost tours business? 

But when the ghost tour business begins to take off, things get kind of scary. In order to drive business, Megan's boss suggests that someone may have murdered people at the tour stops. Will Megan get involved with this? There is a lot more to these ghost tours than meets the eye....

If that brief summary didn't pull you, I don't know what will. But, just in case my summary didn't do it justice, I included the official one below so that you can decide if this book is for you, as well as some information about Adam Selzer!

Megan Henske isn’t one to heed warnings…

When the last letters in her alphabet cereal are D, I, and E, she doesn’t crawl right back into bed. When her online girlfriend won’t text a photo, she just sends more of herself.

And when she realizes that Cynthia, her boss at a Chicago ghost tour company, isn’t joking about making stops more haunted by killing people there, she doesn’t quit her job—she may even help.

But who is responsible for the deaths of prominent figures in the murdermonger industry? Could it be the head of the rival tour company? Or could it be someone near and dear to Megan?

Soon after she learns that she has an uncanny resemblance to a flapper who disappeared in 1922, Megan receives a warning she can’t ignore: the next ghost on the tour might be her…

His first book was HOW TO GET SUSPENDED AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE (now available in a "Now With More Swearing") edition, his next one is PLAY ME BACKWARDS (for satanic young adults), and his best known is probably I KISSED A ZOMBIE AND I LIKED IT, a Twilight satire that was not marketed as a satire.

He also writes the SMART ALECK'S GUIDE series and has published a bunch of Chicago history/ghostlore books. 

You can also find him under the name SJ Adams, the name he used for SPARKS: THE EPIC, COMPLETELY TRUE BLUE (ALMOST) HOLY QUEST OF DEBBIE, which won a Stonewall honor and made the YALSA popular paperback list.

LINKS: Website | Twitter | Facebook

Without further adieu, I present my mood board for this book!

Who was your favorite character in the book?
Is there really a question here? I'm still finishing the book right now, but my favorite character has to be the main character; Megan! She's a "black diaper baby", which makes her life extremely interesting to read about, plus she just has a great personality. So far, she is completely different from me, which makes it especially interesting on a personal level because of how she thinks.

Did you pick any specific characters or scenes to be represented in your Mood board?
Well, when I was reading the synopsis specifically, a lot of things stuck out to me. For example, her cereal spelling the word DIE. I just thought that was really funny, and I had to include it in the mood board. I also wanted to capture a little bit more of the story, like the flapper ghost that she has an uncanny resemblance to.

Did your Mood Board take a specific color scheme? If you actively chose one, why did you chose that specific color?
The majority of my mood board is black and white -- which, for the nature of the book, seems very fitting -- and I love it! The pictures I chose of a flapper clearly created this theme, considering they are older pictures. Also, it just seems fitting because of Megan and where she grew up. Most people consider ghosts to be scary, and their stories are normally from years and years ago.

Was there a picture that you just couldn't find to incorporate into your mood board? If you can answer it with little to no spoilers, tell us how it related to the book!
You know, I actually found the pictures that I wanted to! As an afterthought, I really would have loved to find a picture of the trio in an alleyway, with their backs facing the photographer, but that picture I know would be incredibly hard to find! I'm very happy with how this mood board turned out, and I still can't believe I found a picture with cereal spelling DIE! I'm beyond ecstatic!

If you read the book, what was your rating for it? Link us to your review if you have one! :)

I haven't reviewed the book yet, so be on a lookout for that later on my blog! :)

Now, for the giveaway! The publisher has happily sponsored a tour-wide giveaway for all of our readers! I am so excited to share this book with you, and I hope you all love it! With the fall and Halloween coming up soon, it is the perfect book to get you into autumn!

By entering this giveaway, you acknowledge that it is a tour-wide giveaway and I Turn the Pages is not responsible for the giveaway. This includes things such as a lost package in the mail, getting your prize to you, and notification if you with the giveaway.

3 Finished Copies of JUST KILL ME (US Only)

Also, don't forget to stop by the other stops on the tour to see more reviews, Q&As, and a guest post! I put the tour schedule below so it would be a little more convenient for you all. :)
Tour Schedule:
8/31: I Turn the Pages - Mood Board <--- That's me!
As always, thank you SO much to Hannah from Irish Banana Blog Tours and Adam Selzer for not only allowing me to be a part of this tour & create my own original content, but also for sponsoring the giveaway for all of you guys! I can't wait to see what kind of adventures (and potentially trouble) Megan gets herself into.

Let me know in the comment section below: Because this is the perfect book for the fall, tell me about a book that you love to read either in the fall, or a book that gets you in the mood for Halloween! I know that it's a ways away, I just get excited about my holidays. :) 

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