
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

I Have a BookTube Channel! | Youtube

Let's just cut to the chase: I made a YouTube channel!

(ou can view my new channel by clicking the link above!)

You might be thinking: Sheridan, if you already have a blog dedicated to books, why did you have to make a YouTube channel as well? Are you not just accomplishing the same thing?

The answer is, well...complicated. 

Yes, I will now have a blog and a YouTube channel, both of which are geared toward books, whether that be book reviews, mood boards, tour stops or even book related Q&As can depend on the week in which I'm posting or recording a video. 

I chose to make a YouTube channel as well because I want to explore a little bit. I want to play around with the format of my reviews, and also improve my oral communication skills. Plus, I realize that not everyone likes to sit in front of a computer screen and read my words off of a page - loads of people are auditory learners, which means that people learn better from hearing someone speak instead of reading words off of a page. 

I want to make sure that people who don't like reading blog posts or have difficulty doing so can also find a home in my blog of I Turn The Pages. I don't want anyone to feel alienated or not feel like they are a part of the community. 

That's not the only reason I created a YouTube channel. I created a YouTube channel because I wanted to, and I feel that it will be a fun, creative adventure. I wanted to challenge myself, and this was one of the things that I came up with.

So, to answer the original question: no, I'm not accomplishing the same thing. I go a little bit into detail in the next few questions, if you want to know my thought process!

What does this mean for your blog? Are you going to stop posting?

The answer to this one is incredibly straight forward. The answer is: No, I am not going to stop posting! My blog isn't going anywhere!

My YouTube channel is an additional outlet for me to talk about books. For me, I think about it as having multiple social media accounts, like Facebook and Twitter. You can use Facebook and Twitter for the same thing (connecting with other people & sharing your opinions), but you reach different people, and you may have different things to talk about based on who is in your social circle on each account and the parameters of the website itself. It can be hard to get into a debate on Twitter, where tweets can only be 140 characters, but relatively easy on Facebook because the word limit is much higher there. 

For the book community, think about unboxings. For me, it is very difficult to write a blog post featuring the items that I opened in a subscription box or that I was sent in the mail, but if I do an unboxing video, it's very simple! I already have to open the package to see what is inside, so why not film my reaction to it as well?

So, when you are asking about the impact on my blog, here is what I have to say. Nothing is happening to my blog! It will be here forever. I will continue updating it, writing posts, and doing what I love. The only thing that will change on my blog is the consistency of posts, and that's a good thing! I want to become more consistent on my blog! My YouTube Channel will not hurt my blog, at all! 

Sure, I might have a video and a blog post overlap on the same book, but that's okay. For example, I filmed a video review of AND I DARKEN by Kiersten White and I wrote a review about it to post on my blog. You can pick which one to watch/read, but because of the medium, they both come across a little bit differently. 

While I didn't mean to have two reviews here on the blog and on my YouTube channel, I have bright ideas for the future. I might review a book on my YouTube channel that I have posted about on my blog multiple times. I might do a Q&A with the author on my blog, and talk about the book in other ways on my YouTube channel. 

My YouTube channel is meant to bring my love of books full circle. It is way easier for me to do a haul video, rather than write a blog post about it. I can't write a blog post about a "Follow Me Around" video. Starting a YouTube channel is just about getting another medium to share my content in an effective way and in a way that is best for me to share that content. 

So no, nothing is changing about my blog! Ease your mind of all of your worries, I will be here, better than ever, and still doing what I love. you have an upload schedule yet?

Nope! I'm still hammering out the kinks on that one. Once I have one, I'll update you, here and on my YouTube channel to let you know if that changes!

But, if you want to be notified when I post a new video, you can subscribe to my channel now, and my videos should appear in the nice little subscriptions box that YouTube prepared for you. 

I want to leave you all with this: Don't worry! My YouTube Channel is full of exciting adventures, just like my blog, and I'm so excited to start my own channel in addition to blogging!

Do you have a YouTube channel? Let me know your BookTube channel and link me to it in the comments below if you do! Are there any kinds of videos that you would love to see from me? Let me know!

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