
Monday, July 11, 2016

Zenith by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings | Moodboard Monday

Do you not know what "Moodboard Monday" is? Check out this post that explains it! 

Who was your favorite character in the book? 

My favorite character from the first part of Zenith was actually Gilly! There was just things about her that I loved (and, some things I found very creepy too!)

Did you pick any specific characters or scenes to be represented in your Moodboard?

I did pick a few specific characters/pieces of the story to be represented in my moodboard! I decided to showcase Andi and Gilly as female characters, and Dex as the male character. (Fun Fact: I think the picture that I used for Dex is actually Jamie Fraser from Outlander! I thought Sasha would enjoy that one!)

For significant pieces of the story, I wanted to do my best and capture the Marauder. Okay, I know it's a glass ship and it's supposed to be really high tech, but when I was reading, I just couldn't help but picture it as a flying pirate ship with some new technology on the inside!

Did your Mood Board take a specific color scheme? If you actively chose one, why did you chose that specific color? 

I started my mood board by looking for a picture of Andi, the main character. She has very pale white hair with a streak of purple in it (which I absolutely love!). When I started to look for other pictures, like the galaxies (because Zenith takes place in space), I guess I pulled inspiration from Andi's purple hair because all of the galaxy pictures have purple in them! 

Was there a picture that you just couldn't find to incorporate into your mood board? If you can answer it with little to no spoilers, tell us how it related to the book!

I really wanted to find a group of girls, with their weapons in hand, staring at the galaxy in front of them. As you can imagine, this represents the Marauder crew! I did find a picture with electric swords, which is pretty cool! 

If you read the book, what was your rating for it? Link us to your review if you have one! :)

If you want to read my review of the book, you can click here! I actually really enjoyed reading this book. If you haven't read the book, I'll include the summary below.

"There is darkness sweeping across the stars.

Most know her as the Bloody Baroness, the captain of a fearsome glass starship called The Marauder. Androma and her crew strike terror in the hearts of those who cross them amongst the many corners of the Mirabel Galaxy.

When a routine mission goes rogue, the all-female crew is captured by a bounty hunter from Andi’s past and forced into a job that could, quite literally, start a war that will devour worlds.

Meanwhile, on the far side of the galaxy, the ruthless ruler Nor waits in the shadows of the planet Xen Ptera, biding her time. The final pieces are about to fall into place, liberating a plan that will tear Mirabel in two.

As the Marauder hurtles toward the unknown, there is one lesson that proves to be true: No one can be trusted in a galaxy that runs on lies and illusion.

From internet sensation Sasha Alsberg and multi-genre author Lindsay Cummings comes a new serialized space opera, full of action, intrigue, and steamy star-crossed romance.

Perfect for fans of Hugh Howie, Sarah J Maas, and Beth Revis."

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