
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Spare and Found Parts by Sarah Maria Griffin | Waiting on Wednesday


Publisher: Greenwillow Books
Publish Date: October 4th 2016
Page Amount: 416 pages
Price: $17.99 Hardback
ISBN: 0062408887 (ISBN13: 9780062408884)
Is there anything special about this book that you are looking forward to?
This book reminds me a lot of Cinder by Marissa Meyer. I know that the story doesn't really have any similarities, but the thought of biomechanically enhanced or altered (?) humans and cyborgs pulled me in yet again. I'm looking forward to seeing that aspect being developed/explained in the book. I know the synopsis mentioned an epidemic hitting the city too, which I believe serves as the background for the story. I love books that involve medical information in any way, shape or form - I think it adds to the complexity of the plot and depth of the story as a whole.

In terms of the entire book, I'm very excited to learn about Nell and her father, specifically, the experiments that he has been keeping to himself!

How did you hear of this book? From a Goodreads Search, Blogger Buddies, Twitter, etc.?
I actually just went through Goodreads looking for 2016 books that I haven't heard of before. I came across this one in a fellow blogger's list of anticipated releases, and I knew instantly that I have to get this in my hands once it comes out. 

Have you read any of the author's works before?
Nope! I can see on Goodreads that she has published other books, but I haven't read them. 

What do you think about the cover? What about the title?
The cover is what drew me in to investigate the rest of the story. There is something just so technical and interesting about it that it captures the eye. It definitely fits with the mood of the book and I'm so excited to actually read the pages between the end covers! I love how there are a bunch of appliances laid out around the cover and that it's also an artsy cover. I also love the color of the cover - I don't think I have a book that matches it! It will be a nice edition on my shelf.

As for the title, I really like it! I know I can't understand the full significance of the title until I read the book, but it definitely connects to the plot from what I can see. The title sparked some curiosity within me too, so I guess it is doing it's job! :)

When is the release date for this book? Do you think you can wait that long to read it?
This book comes out on October 4th. I'm excited to read it, and I think I can wait. After all, that's the only choice I have, isn't it? :)

What do you think of this week's pick? What are you waiting on? Let me know in the comments below!

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