
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday Freebie Week: Top Ten Bookish Things I Would Love to Have

This week's Top Ten Tuesday was a freebie week, which means that I can write about anything that I wish was a category. For my freebie week, I decided to pick the Top Ten Bookish Things that I Would Love to Have. Whether or not these things actually exist, I'm not sure. But here is to hoping that they will exist in the future.

I'm going to write a shorter list this week - I'm only going to write about five things - and I would love for you to contribute to this list! I would love it if you would leave down something that you would LOVE to have that would make your reading life or blogging life a little bit easier.

1. An e-reader that is shaped like a book. 

I love to hold books in my hand, and I love the feel of the pages. What if one day, there is an e-reader that is shaped like a book, and has actual pages, but you could "download" a book and have the words projected onto the page. and as soon as you were finished with a book, you could "download" another and have the words projected on the pages as well. I know you could just buy a physical book, but they are so expensive! For digital ARCs, this would be amazing - feeling the book in your hands! :)

2. A notebook that takes automatic notes for you as you speak/read.

I have problems taking notes for books when I read them, and this can be very difficult when I go to write reviews. I don't like breaking my concentration from a book (even for something like Goodreads' status updates) and I struggle to take notes. So, a notebook that could document my thoughts as I am speaking (or even some gasps or sighs in there) would be amazing because I could continue reading without ever letting the book leave my hands. Something that could transfer these notes to a laptop would be wonderful too! (I heard of a notebook that you could reuse, but I forget the name!).

3. Automatic Delivery/Instant Shipping

When I order a book, I want it immediately. (I know I'm not the only one that thinks this!) If Amazon or Indie Bookstores could have an instant shipping program dedicated to just books, I would be very happy. Arrives in 4 hours or less? My dream! I wouldn't mind if they used drones too...or even included some hot chocolate or cozy socks for the cold days too!

4. Periscope, but for books. 

How awesome would it be if you were buddy-reading, and your e-reader would pop up with notes from your friend about what you were reading? You could comment back and forth, highlight things within the book itself, without having to leave the book. Again, I understand that social media is a very appropriate channel for this, but I HATE breaking my concentration! Once I read a book, I have to finish it. Having a different way to communicate with friends while reading the same book would be amazing!

5. An Amazing, Never-ending Library

With Snowzilla/Snowmaggedon happening for the past few days, it got me thinking. I love to go to the library to get books, and I don't get a ton of mail from publishers. I have already read all of the books in my house probably more than once, but if I got snowed in, what would happen if I didn't wat to re-read a book! That's where my own personal library comes in. I wish I had a room with the space to have a library as big as my mind can imagine. If I had all of the books that I wanted instantly appear in my personal library, I would probably need to have wings to fly and reach the top shelves! I would love it if books randomly appeared in my house - I would never run out of things to read, and I could donate all of the books in the world.

I know this was a very short Top Ten Tuesday, but I wanted to save some space for what you guys responded to last week! The theme for last week was: Top Ten Books I Recently Added to my TBR! I asked for other book recommendations, and here are some of the comments that I received!

I will definitely check out both of these books and add them to my TBR! Thank you so much for stopping by the blog, guys!

Now it's your turn to comment! Answer this down in the comments below!

If you could dream up ANY bookish technology/item that you would own, what would it be and why? Is there anything that I should add to my list? 

Thank you so much for checking in on my Top Ten Tuesday this week! I'll have another one next week, and you could see your comment featured in next week's post!


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Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on our blog posts! I will always try and get back to each and every single one of your comments! Please feel free to leave suggestions for new books to review, as well as comments on the individual reviews themselves. Again, thank you so much for stopping by!