
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Treat Yo' Shelf #1 - Book Haul!

Hi guys!

I thought now would be a great time to start posting pictures of my book hauls! I have seen all of my lovely book blogger friends do it (Nori from ReadWriteLove28 and Katie from Katie's Book Blog just to name a few!), and I thought I would jump in on the fun! goes nothing for my first book haul! :)

From Giveaways:

This past week, I won a giveaway from April from Good Books and Good Wine for a Trollhunters Prize Pack! Trollhunters is written by Guillermo del Toro and Daniel Kraus.

Here is a short summary of the book:
"You are food. Those muscles you flex to walk, lift, and talk? They're patties of meat topped with chewy tendon. That skin you've paid so much attention to in mirrors? It's delicious to the right tongues, a casserole of succulent tissue. And those bones that give you the strength to make your way in the world? They rattle between teeth as the marrow is sucked down slobbering throats. These facts are unpleasant but useful. There are things out there, you see, that don't cower in holes to be captured by us and cooked over our fires. These things have their own ways of trapping their kills, their own fires, their own appetites."

Jim Sturges is your typical teen in suburban San Bernardino-one with an embarrassingly overprotective dad, a best friend named "Tubby" who shares his hatred of all things torturous (like gym class), and a crush on a girl who doesn't know he exists. But everything changes for Jim when a 45-year old mystery resurfaces, threatening the lives of everyone in his seemingly sleepy town. Soon Jim has to team up with a band of unlikely (and some un-human) heroes to battle the monsters he never knew existed.

From the minds of Guillermo del Toro and Daniel Kraus comes a new illustrated novel about the fears that move in unseen places.

I'll leave the Goodreads link here in case you want to take a deeper look into the book and the reviews it has received thus far!

But, this prize pack is by far the most interesting book mail I have ever received. Just look at it!

This prize pack definitely surprised me! I entered the giveaway because the book looked very interesting to me, and I was blown away by the generosity of both April and Hyperion! I love the idea of the buttons! I don't have a lot of "book swag", so I am very excited to add these to my collection! 
The Trollhunters apparel on the left of the picture is actually a zip-up hoodie, and it is really comfortable and room-y! On top of that, I also received some really yummy looking candy bones and a copy of Trollhunters all for myself! (I'm saving the candies for when I actually read the book, which I am hoping will be very soon!)

Thank you, April and Hyperion! :)

Sent for Review: 

These next few books are some ARCs that I was sent for review! The top two ARCs I was sent by Rachel from Hello Chelly, after seeing on her Twitter feed that she wanted to pass these books on to bloggers to read and review them! This is so generous of her! I have started to read Never, Always, Sometimes and I am really enjoying it so far! I am hoping to finish Tonight the Streets Are Ours before the month is over. 

The next book in the stack was sent to me by Emma at Miss Print! Emma has sent me some ARCs before (those being Firewalker and Black Widow: Forever Red - AHH!) which I was so excited to read and review! (For those wondering, my Firewalker review is already live on my blog, and my Black Widow: Forever Red review will be live on the blog sometime soon!). Emma is basically one of the nicest bloggers you will ever meet, and I highly suggest you follow her blog! 

I jumped at the chance when she offered A Whole New World for review! Because of school, I may have to review this one in September, but I am really looking forward to it!

The last book in the stack was sent to me by The Novl for review! I actually already finished reading The Dead House, and I really loved it! It was unusual for me, because I am not normally big in the horror/thrillers department of Young Adult and Middle Grade Literature, but this book was definitely a hit for me! I'm actually typing up my review of this book tomorrow, so you should check the blog to see what I thought of the book!

Purchased Myself or Sent by Friends!

For those of you that don't know me very well, you should know that every week, I go to my local second-hand bookstore, 2nd and Charles. I like to spend my time there over Barnes and Noble because the majority of these books are second-hand, and are also very, very cheap! (Plus, the cashiers basically know me by name now, so that's always fun!) These first two books I actually found for FREE! My local 2nd and Charles has a free book bin, where all of the books in the bins are free, and you can take however many you like! I was so excited when I saw the Maximum Ride book in the bin, because I read this series in middle school and I really want to get back into it. (Plus, who doesn't love a free hardcover!) I was also really happy when I saw The Amber Spyglass in the bin, because I have never read the His Dark Materials trilogy, but I already bought the first book (with the same cover, just in a different color!) So, even though it was a little bit damaged by water, I had to pick it up! 

Okay, these next three books were quite a surprise! 

If you are new to the blog, another thing you should know about me is this: I love Harry Potter. Just like Xander, I love love love to collect all of the Harry Potter editions that I can! I was so lucky that these strolled into my possession the last few weeks, so I thought I had to share them with you. Before I do, here is a picture of their spines, because I think they are GORGEOUS! 

Just look at those beauties! :)

Hardback of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, UK Edition, 5th printing. 
It's missing a dust-jacket, but that's okay!

Hardback of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, UK Edition, 5th Printing.
The dust-jacket is in-tact, and it just has 1 little crease!

Okay, now I can tell you the story about these two books. 

I found them at my local second-hand bookstore that I love to go to. On my last few trips there, I realized that they had a few UK editions of Harry Potter on their shelves (those editions being of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (HB) and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (PB), which I happily picked up for my collection). I figured that someone must have moved here from the UK and was selling off their book collection (or maybe they didn't move from the UK and just didn't want their collection anymore). 

This is part of the reason why I make it a goal of mine to go every week, on restock day, in the hopes that I am able to find one more foreign edition of Harry Potter lying on their shelves. 

This week, that happened! I brought my friend M with me to the bookstore, and the very first thing I did was run to where they keep the Harry Potter books. To my delight, these two beauties were sitting there, begging me to buy them. So, I did. For less than 50% of the publisher price too, and they are in amazing condition. This was definitely a score for me!

This next edition, I was actually given by my father's friends who were traveling to Russia. The funny story is, I had asked my father to contact them to see when they were leaving on their trip, so I could ask if they would be willing to buy this for me, and it turns out they were leaving the next day. Call that a stroke of luck!

I was told that they had to look forever to find a copy of the first book in Russian. They traveled to three or four different bookstores before they found this copy! Also, it started to rain when they found it, and the store clerk didn't want to give them a plastic bag to keep the book from getting wet.. (I guess they know about how I like to take really good care of my books!). The store clerk kept telling them they had to buy another 20 dollars (not rubles) of school supplies in order to get this bag to protect the book. After a few minutes, they ended up just getting the back for free because one, they had just bought this book from the store and needed something to carry it in, and two, I think the store clerk realized they were wrong to deny them the bag in the first place.

So, when I got this book, I cried tears of joy. This is one of my most sought after editions of Harry Potter, because I really, really want to learn Russian. When it comes for me to start learning how to read it, it would be nice if I read something I actually knew the plot of! :)

I'm going to keep their names private, for personal and privacy reasons, but if you are reading this, thank you so much for this book!

That being said, if you have access to foreign editions (non-US) of any of the Harry Potter books, I would really appreciate it if you let me know, either through email (, commenting or even tweeting me! I would be so happy to work out a trade with you!

That is it for this book haul! Thank you so much for sticking around and (hopefully) reading the entire post! I want to start an I Turn the Pages tradition by asking you guys a question about my book haul! Respond in the comments if you would like! Here it is: If you could have ANY foreign edition of ANY book in the world, what would it be and why?

Thank you to everyone who was so kind to send me books! I really, really appreciate it!


(Yes, I did name my book haul post after Treat Yo Self from the show Parks and Recreation. I love that show! What is your favorite TV show?)


  1. Thanks Sheridan <3 Love all of your book haul photos.

    1. You're welcome! Thank you for the compliment! :)

  2. All your books are lovely and congrats for the giveaway :)

    @ "Book Addict"

    1. Aw, thank you so much! Thank you for the comment! :) Here's to hoping you win a big giveaway soon too!

  3. Congrats on winning the giveaway and great to see you support second hand shops! My favourite TV series at the moment is early series of the Big Bang Theory!

    TheDonkeyInvasion - A Bookish Blog!

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, I love to support second hand shops! They are my favorite kind. I find so many different and new books there, and often times they are more affordable (and even in better condition than first-hand!).

      Oh, I watch the Big Bang Theory too! I love it! I just took a vacation, and we had a 22 hour drive, so I brought all of the Big Bang Theory DVDs I could! :)

      Thank you for the comment! :)

  4. I read Tonight the Streets are Ours already and enjoyed it. I hope you do too! :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on our blog posts! I will always try and get back to each and every single one of your comments! Please feel free to leave suggestions for new books to review, as well as comments on the individual reviews themselves. Again, thank you so much for stopping by!