
Have You Seen This?

I decided to move my Have You Seen This? post to a page on my blog! This way, I don't have to continue editing a singular post over and over again. Also, I think that moving it to a page on the blog (at least for now) will make it easier for all of you guys to navigate it! 

Scroll down this page to see the books that I am looking for!

But wait, I don't know what this is!

Have You Seen This...? was created by Andi’s ABCs and The Book Addict’s Guide to help bloggers to hunt down those hard-to-find books for their collection, either ARCs, foreign editions, or just books that they really want! Every month, Andi and Brittany have a linky set up on their blog, where bloggers can link their "Have You Seen This...?" post in hopes of finding those very special books!

Okay....What books are you looking for?

The bolded titles are what I am really searching for. If you can help me out with this, I would love it!

I am searching for ARCs of.....

An ARC of Cinder by Marissa Meyer 
An ARC of Scarlet by Marissa Meyer 

An ARC of any Harry Potter book that had an ARC (haha, this one is a long shot!)

I am searching for FOREIGN EDITIONS of.....

Foreign editions of Harry Potter (If you have any, or have access to a foreign country, either email me a picture/description of it or tweet it to me! My collection is continuously growing! I am really looking for Russian editions of all of the other books except for the Philosopher's Stone!)

Foreign editions of Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, Fairest or Winter by Marissa Meyer (same "rules" apply!) (I have a Spanish edition of Scarlet already!)

I am searching for SWAG from.....

ANY Stephanie Perkins swag! I am really looking for the buttons right now, and anything extra that is not a tote bag. (Although, if you have a tote bag you want to get rid of, pitch it to me anyway!)

Black Widow: Forever Red (by Margaret Stohl) swag! I know that BEA/Bookcon had a few giveaways for a special item or two, so if you have any of those, I would be open! Also, a chapter sampler would be amazing!

  • I already have the screen-cleaner promotional swag that was given out at ALAMW, but I need all other pieces of swag relating to the book!
  • I have the preorder goody as well. 

I also know that some of the giveaways for Black Widow: Forever Red have a tank top with the title printed on it, and if you would at all be willing to part with that, I would really, really appreciate it! 

Trade "Rules"!

If you have any of these books and want to make a trade, please contact me! Thank you so much for helping me to grow my collections!

I will continue to update this post as trades (hopefully) happen! I do have to warn you, I am a relatively new book blogger, so I do not have as many ARCs to offer for trade or other books as some of my blogger friends! I just wanted to let you know before you offer to make a trade with me - it would be really nice of you if I could have a little bit of a wishlist, just in case I do not have the title you are looking for! 

Last Updated: Jan 30th 2016



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Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on our blog posts! I will always try and get back to each and every single one of your comments! Please feel free to leave suggestions for new books to review, as well as comments on the individual reviews themselves. Again, thank you so much for stopping by!