
Friday, June 30, 2017

A DOG LIKE DAISY by Kristin O'Donnell Tubb | Review

Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Publish Date: June 13th 2017 (January 1st 2017)
Page Amount: 192 Pages
Price: $16.99 Hardback
ISBN: 0062463241 (ISBN13: 9780062463241)
Cover and Summary of the book are from Goodreads.

Max meets A Dog Called Homeless in this sweet and poignant middle grade novel told from the humorous, thoughtful perspective of a rescued pit bull as she trains to be a service dog for an injured veteran and his family.

Daisy has only ten weeks to prove her usefulness or else be sent back to the pound. Yet if she goes back, who will protect Colonel Victor from his PTSD attacks? Or save the littler human, Micah, from those infernal ear muzzles he calls earphones? What if no one ever adopts her again?

Determined to become the elite protector the colonel needs, Daisy vows to ace the service dog test. She’ll accept the ridiculous leash and learn to sit, heel, shake, even do your business, Daisy when told to. But Daisy must first learn how to face her own fears from the past or risk losing the family she’s so desperate to guard—again.

Friday, June 23, 2017

AN EAGLE IN THE SNOW by Michael Morpurgo | Review

Publisher: Feiwel and Friends
Publish Date: January 17th 2017 (first published October 1st 2015)
Page Amount: 144 Pages
Price: $16.99 Hardback
ISBN: 1250105153 (ISBN13: 9781250105158)
Cover and Summary of the book are from Goodreads.

The extraordinary story of the man who could have stopped World War Two. A beautiful moral thriller from one of the world’s favourite storytellers.

1940 . . Barney and his mother, their home destroyed by bombing, are travelling to the country when their train is forced to shelter in a tunnel from attacking German planes. There, in the darkness, a stranger on the train begins to tell them a story. A story about Billy Byron, the most decorated soldier of WW1, who once had the chance to end the war before it even began, and how he tried to fix his mistake. But sometimes the right thing is hard to see – and even harder to live with…

Friday, June 16, 2017

LOOKING FOR GROUP by Rory Harrison | Review

Publisher: HarperTeen
Publish Date: April 25th 2017
Page Amount: 368 Pages
Price: $17.99 Hardback
ISBN: 0062453076 (ISBN13: 9780062453075) 
Cover and Summary of the book are from Goodreads.

Looking for group for the quest of a lifetime.

Dylan doesn’t have a lot of experience with comfort. His room in the falling-down Village Estates can generously be categorized as “squalid,” and he sure as hell isn’t getting any love from his mother, who seemed to—no, definitely did—enjoy the perks that went along with being the parent of a “cancer kid.”

Now that Dylan’s suddenly in remission, all he’s left with is a lingering OxyContin addiction and a hunger for something—anything—but the life he’s known.

His only escape has been in the form of his favorite video game—World of Warcraft—and the one true friend who makes him feel understood, even if it’s just online. Dylan met Arden playing Warcraft, and now he wants to take her on a real mission, one he never thought he’d live to set out on: a journey to a mysterious ship in the middle of the Salton Sea.

But Arden is fighting her own battles, ones that Dylan can’t always help her win. As they navigate their way west, they grapple with Arden’s father (who refuses to recognize his daughter’s true gender), Dylan’s addiction, and the messy, complicated romance fighting so hard to blossom through the cracks of their battle-hardened hearts.